Wednesday 20 July 2011

Van Dyke Brown

Vandyke is a silver and iron based solution and its related to Kallitype process. Van dyke has brown toner range that start with a nice amber to a dark chocolate brown for the darkest tone.

always read the MSDS before using this chemicals

part A
27g ferric ammonium citrate
100ml distilled water

part B
4.5g tartaric acid
100ml distilled water

part C
12g silver nitrate
100ml distilled water

Mix B into A, then add C allow store for two day in a dark cold place (the fridge)

-Van Dyke brown solution
-sized paper (egg or gelatin) 
-citric acid
-sodium thiosulfate
-sodium sulfite
-glass rod or hake brush
-sticky tape
-negative film


step1: Tape the pre sized paper to a work table

Step2: Mark out film position on the paper.

Step3: Coat paper with Van Dyke solution using a glass rod or hake brush.

Step4: Dry the Van Dyke solution and tape down the negative over the dry Van Dyke.

Step5: Expose Van Dyke in a UV unit or in the sun.

Step6: Then develop.

Note:if you decide to guess the exposer instead of using the test strip method, the exposed print should look about 1 stops overexposed before developing because the image will wash out a little  

Process baths

Bath 1: develop,1% citric acid and distilled water ( 5mins)

Bath 2: clearing,1%citric acid and distilled water ( 2mins)

Bath 3: fixer, 3%sodium thiosulfate and distilled water (2 mins) 

Bath 4:  clearing, 1%sodium sulfite and tap water (2 mins) OPTIONAL

Bath 5: wash,running water (30mins)



Note : to reduce fading in the fixer ,add 2g sodium carbonate or bi carb to every 1000ml of fix.The Sodium sulfite bath will remove sodium thiosulfate fix faster then just water but a long wash is just as good. The Sodium Thiosulfate if left in the paper can fade the print over time.

Here is a rough guide to cheaply tone vandyke prints
After the print has been made and is dry then mix a strong brew of coffee. Then soak print in it until the print changes colour. 

Place print in a normal silver gelatin blue toner

After the print has been made and is dry then 

Mix a bath of  Potassium ferricyanide and tap water. pop the print into the mix and watch it change,pull it out when you want it to stop and wash in water for around a hour to remove the bleach. then mix a strong brew of black tea .Then soak print in it until the print changes colour. 

Normal print

Exposed when the Van dyke solution is still wet.

Mix a bath of  Potassium ferricyanide and tap water. pop the print into the mix and watch it change,pull it out when you want it to stop and wash in water for around a ten minutes then place in a sepia toner bath until you great the right result. then wash for half an hour

Mix a bath of  Potassium ferricyanide and tap water. pop the print into the mix and watch it change,pull it out when you want it to stop and wash in water for around a hour to remove the bleach. The bleach will bleach the image out .

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